Senior Management

  • Senior Management is appointed by the Board of Directors.​
  • The controlling group members do not serve as CMPC executives.

Francisco Ruiz-Tagle, CEO

Francisco Ruiz-Tagle began his career at CMPC in 1991 and has since held various roles across the company’s businesses.

He was appointed CEO of CMPC in 2018 and, throughout his career with the company, has served as General Manager of several CMPC subsidiaries, including Celulosa del Pacífico and the Paper Products Division in Chile, as well as Papelera del Plata in Argentina. In the latter, he played a key role in CMPC's internationalization process, which today includes operations in nine countries.

From 2011 to 2017, he led the company’s forestry and pulp divisions, where he promoted the certification of sustainable forest management—a milestone essential for the production and marketing of wood, pulp, and paper products in global markets.

In recent years, as the company’s CEO, Francisco has spearheaded efforts in operational excellence, innovation, competitiveness, and efficiency across CMPC’s businesses. Additionally, he and his team have driven the definition and implementation of ambitious sustainability goals, earning CMPC recognition in 2022 and 2023 as the world’s most sustainable company in the forestry and paper sector, according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.

Francisco Ruiz-Tagle holds a degree in Business Administration with a focus on Economics from the University of Chile and an MBA from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is currently a board member of the Corporate Leaders Group for Climate Change (CLG Chile) and serves as one of the Vice Chairs of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). He is also a counselor of the Sociedad de Fomento Fabril (Sofofa), a Director of Icare, and serves on the board of Funeraria María Ayuda.

He is married, has five children and two grandchildren, and enjoys hiking in his free time.


Rafael Cox, Chief Legal Officer

Rafael Cox studied Law at the Universidad de Los Andes (Chile) and received a Master of Law in Corporate Law from Universidad de Los Andes (Chile) and a Master of Law in Corporate Governance from Stanford University Law School. He began working at CMPC in 2001 as In House Counsel. In 2010, Mr. Cox became deputy Chief Legal Officer and in 2016 he was appointed Chief Legal Officer and he has served as that from 2016 until now.


Fernando Hasenberg, CFO

Fernando Hasenberg has a degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Los Andes and a Master in Business Administration from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA. Mr. Hasenberg started working at CMPC in 2000.

He served in several positions in the Corporate Finance team before being appointed as Chief Financial Officer of our tissue operation in Mexico in 2012. In 2014 he was appointed as Chief Financial Officer at CMPC Celulose Riograndense and in 2018 he became the Chief Financial Officer of CMPC Celulosa. In 2020, we has appointed Chief Execuive Officer of the Sack Kraft business of Biopackaging, position he held until December 31, 2021 when he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of Empresas CMPC.


Raimundo Varela, CEO CMPC Pulp

Raimundo Varela has a degree in Industrial Engineering from the Catholic University of Chile and an AMP from the Henley Business School of the University of Reading in the UK. Raimundo's trajectory at CMPC spans over six years. Before his appointment as CEO of CMPC Pulp, he was Commercial Director and had previously set up the Supply Chain department of the same business area, among other accomplishments. Before joining CMPC, Raimundo spent 15 years of his career at ED&F Man, where he was Managing Director for Asia based in Singapore, Managing Director for the Americas based in the US and Business Development Manager based in the UK.


Jorge Navarrete, CEO CMPC Biopackaging

Jorge Navarrete has a long trajectory in a variety of business divisions and positions at CMPC. His career at the Company includes, among others, responsibilities such as General Manager of Forsac Peru towards the end of the 90s, after which he took over as General Manager of Forsac Chile and remained for 10 years. In 2011, Jorge was appointed General Manager of the subsidiary called "CMPC Paper Products" which at the time encompassed the Envases Impresos, Forsac and Chimolsa business divisions. After that, in 2014, Jorge returned to Peru this time as General Manager of Tissue Peru, today Softys, where he successfully led the business before being promoted CEO for the CMPC Biopackaging division.


Gonzalo Darraidou, CEO Softys

Gonzalo Darraidou studied Business and Administration at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Mr. Darraidou served as CEO of Forus S.A. until joining CMPC in November 2015 as CEO of Softys.


Constanza Arjona, Chief Human Resources Officer

Constanza Arjona studied Business Administration at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She began her career at CMPC in 2020 as Former Supply Chain & International Offices Director at CMPC Celulosa. Later, in 2024, she was appointed Chief Human Resources Officer, a position she holds to this day. Constanza has 17 years of experience in logistics, strategic planning, and operational excellence.


Guillermo Turner, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer

Guillermo studied Journalism at the Universidad Gabriela Mistral and received a PADE Certification from Universidad de Los Andes. Until April 2016 he served as Director of the newspaper La Tercera. He has 25 years of a successful career. He was President of the National Press Association, Director of Diario Financiero, Editorial Development Manager of Mega TV, Director of Capital Magazine and, creator of Pulso newspaper.


Sandra Riquelme, Chief Environmental Officer

Sandra is a Geographer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Master in Business Administration (MBA) from Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, with extensive experience in sustainability issues, she has worked in private and state companies. In corporate and operational positions, and in stages of projects, operations and closure, she has led integrated teams and, giving socio-environmental viability to complex and relevant projects for the country. Her main responsibilities have been linked to the design and implementation of strategies, action plans and budgets; spokesperson and representation to various stakeholders; development and implementation of national and international standards; control, monitoring and reporting of results internally and externally (ESG reports); identification and compliance with the applicable regulatory framework, permits, commitments and regulatory trends for environmental issues, territory and communities (both indigenous and non-indigenous), internal communications, corporate affairs and occupational risk prevention, in various territories in Chile and Latin America.


José Antonio Correa, Chief Business Development Officer

Jose Antonio Correa holds a degree in Business Administration from the Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile and an MBA from UCLA. He joined CMPC on August 8, 2004. Throughout his career at the Company, he has served as Head of Administration of CMPC Pulp and Head of Business Development of CMPC Pulp, among others, before his appointment as Chief Business Development Officer of CMPC as of December 1, 2018.


Felipe Alcalde, Chief Competitiveness & Innovation Officer

Felipe Alcalde holds a degree in Law from the Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile and an MBA from INSEAD. He joined CMPC in March, 2019 as Chief Innovation Officer. Before that, he was part of McKinsey & Company.


Jorge Valdivieso, Chief New Business